What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
The Government is encouraging - and funding - all local communities to produce their own Neighbourhood Plan and create a vision of how they would like their environment to develop in the next 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. The aim is to pass decision-making to a more local level, from local government to local communities. You can read more about Neighbourhood Planning on this government website: www.gov.uk/guidance/neighbourhood-planning--2
A useful step-by-step roadmap guide which explains the Neighbourhood Plan process is produced by Locality. See https://neighbourhoodplanning.org/toolkits-and-guidance/create-neighbourhood-plan-step-by-step-roadmap-guide/
What can a Neighbourhood Plan do?
A Neighbourhood Plan is a legal document used to determine planning applications. A Neighbourhood Plan can guide future development, regeneration and conservation in our Plan Area, the Parish of Datchet. It can allow us to say, as a community, how we’d like to see any new development designed and located within the Parish, and how we’d like our heritage to be protected. If it identifies issues of a non-planning nature, for instance traffic management or street cleaning, it can bring them to the notice of the relevant bodies.
What can’t it do?
A Neighbourhood Plan must have regard to National Planning Policies, such as the expansion of Heathrow Airport. In Datchet, its scope is also limited by the flood zone, Green Belt and Conservation Area. It can’t promote less development than that identified in a Borough Local Plan although on non-strategic planning issues, it can carry more weight than a Local Plan.
Whose plan is it?
This is our plan. It’s a chance for all of us to say how we see Datchet’s future. Datchet’s Neighbourhood Plan group needs to hear everyone’s views, aspirations, wants and needs on topics such as:
Where to find out more
National Planning Policy Framework: www.gov.uk/guidance/national-planning-policy-framework
Neighbourhood Planning: www.gov.uk/guidance/neighbourhood-planning--2
Locality website: neighbourhoodplanning.org/about/neighbourhood-planning/
See also the FAQs page.
The Government is encouraging - and funding - all local communities to produce their own Neighbourhood Plan and create a vision of how they would like their environment to develop in the next 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. The aim is to pass decision-making to a more local level, from local government to local communities. You can read more about Neighbourhood Planning on this government website: www.gov.uk/guidance/neighbourhood-planning--2
A useful step-by-step roadmap guide which explains the Neighbourhood Plan process is produced by Locality. See https://neighbourhoodplanning.org/toolkits-and-guidance/create-neighbourhood-plan-step-by-step-roadmap-guide/
What can a Neighbourhood Plan do?
A Neighbourhood Plan is a legal document used to determine planning applications. A Neighbourhood Plan can guide future development, regeneration and conservation in our Plan Area, the Parish of Datchet. It can allow us to say, as a community, how we’d like to see any new development designed and located within the Parish, and how we’d like our heritage to be protected. If it identifies issues of a non-planning nature, for instance traffic management or street cleaning, it can bring them to the notice of the relevant bodies.
What can’t it do?
A Neighbourhood Plan must have regard to National Planning Policies, such as the expansion of Heathrow Airport. In Datchet, its scope is also limited by the flood zone, Green Belt and Conservation Area. It can’t promote less development than that identified in a Borough Local Plan although on non-strategic planning issues, it can carry more weight than a Local Plan.
Whose plan is it?
This is our plan. It’s a chance for all of us to say how we see Datchet’s future. Datchet’s Neighbourhood Plan group needs to hear everyone’s views, aspirations, wants and needs on topics such as:
- How should we maintain and improve the character of Datchet?
- What sort of housing and infrastructure do we need?
- How can we safeguard our environment, our open spaces and their biodiversity?
- How can we protect our heritage?
- How can we encourage local businesses and shops?
Where to find out more
National Planning Policy Framework: www.gov.uk/guidance/national-planning-policy-framework
Neighbourhood Planning: www.gov.uk/guidance/neighbourhood-planning--2
Locality website: neighbourhoodplanning.org/about/neighbourhood-planning/
See also the FAQs page.