Local Press
RBWM adopts Datchet Neighbourhood Plan - 27 June 2023
At their meeting on 27 June 2023, RBWM councillors adopted Datchet's Neighbourhood Plan. The Royal Borough Observer included two articles in that week's edition.

The Windsor Observer published details of the Datchet Neighbourhood Plan consultation and drop-in sessions in April 2022. https://www.windsorobserver.co.uk/news/20049979.datchet-locals-can-say-neighbourhood-plan/
The Link magazine
Articles about Datchet's Neighbourhood Plan have appeared in The Link, the Parish magazine which is distributed to all households in Datchet. To read the articles, please click on the links below:
2020 Spring issue
2020 Summer Issue and Climate Change Survey
2020 Autumn issue and Getting Around Survey
2020 Winter Issue and What's Important to You Survey (Local Green Spaces, Heritage assets, play areas, verges and downsizing)
2020 Spring issue
2020 Summer Issue and Climate Change Survey
2020 Autumn issue and Getting Around Survey
2020 Winter Issue and What's Important to You Survey (Local Green Spaces, Heritage assets, play areas, verges and downsizing)
Windsor Observer 17 July 2017

The Observer ran a short piece about Datchet's Big BBQ Boogie on the Green which took place on Saturday 15 July. The DNP team had a stand there and spent the afternoon talking to residents about the Neighbourhood Plan, and encouraging everyone to complete the survey which runs until the end of the month. You can read the article here
Datchet Parish Council website
The Parish Council has also allowed the Neighbourhood Plan team to publish information about Datchet's Plan on its website.